
AD Insertion Revenue Exceeds Expectations

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By adding a new ad insertion platform, and having a partnership with a local radio station sales group, Garden Valley Technologies, a 15,000+ member cooperative in northwestern Minnesota has seen their ad insertion revenue exceed expectations.

Company CMO Heidi Haaven says their telecom has been doing ad insertion on their video service for quite some time, but they were not seeing any of their local businesses participating and they felt there was some lost revenue opportunities in selling to the main street businesses. Garden Valley contacted a local radio station group, R and J Broadcasting to see if they might be interested in selling GVT TV ads as well as producing them, and they said yes.

Total Team Effort

The equipment and expertise for connecting to Garden Valley’s ad insertion program comes from the Innovative Systems InnoStream platform and ICAN Advertising, an agency that provides ad insertion services throughout the US. Haaven says that having that local connection to area businesses with the radio station sales team, and the experience from ICAN in creating special event ad packages has greatly increased the number of local companies who now run ads on Garden Valley’s channels. There is a perception in the local business community that television advertising is too expensive, but most of the businesses are continuing to advertise because their customers are commenting about seeing the ads on Garden Valley’s channels.

Because there are thousands of ad availabilities every month, any unsold ad spots are utilized by Garden Valley that runs a series rotation of five different ads promoting their own services.

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