Missouri Provider Supports Customer Experience with Enterprise Technology

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Missouri Provider Supports CX with Enterprise Technology

Chariton Valley is celebrating 70 years of business in Macon, Missouri. They believe in delivering an exceptional customer experience and supporting the communities they serve with pride. They have over 12,000 broadband subscribers and offer video services for a complete communication package.

Time for Change

Chariton Valley’s previous provider charged separate fees for all upgrades and support. The team experienced issues with reporting inconsistencies. Stephanie McNeil, Support Manager, explains the old process, “We would run manual reports monthly. We would run a report once and then run it again with different results. Nothing was ever tied back to financials.” Chariton Valley was looking to automate and simplify reporting. Another goal was accurate reports that were easily accessible for all employees. Chariton Valley employees became frustrated with paper trouble tickets and the back and forth between CSRs and Field Technicians. Chariton Valley team began searching for one system to unite all aspects of their business.

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Improved CX

Chariton Valley’s management team was looking to automate and simplify reporting. They were looking to go from paper trouble tickets to electronic. They were looking for one system to unite everything. Chariton Valley began using Innovative Systems in 2006 for financials and then converted their billing in 2010. The team liked that Innovative Systems had experience with conversions from their previous provider. McNeil was impressed with the conversion process, “It went a lot smoother than we thought it would.”

Prior to implementing eLation, customers would come into the office or mail something that needed to be signed. Now, customers sign electronically, and they have the ability to sign at their leisure with eSignature. Customer communication has been improved with text messages. Now customers receive text messages when a bill is due, or when credit cards are declined. The team also utilizes text messaging for upcoming installs. Prior to eLation, someone in the office would call the subscriber to notify for upcoming installs. Chariton Valley completes approximately 200 new installations per month and now everyone on the next day’s install list is notified immediately versus waiting until a CSR is free to make the call.

Chariton Valley is hoping to introduce more customers to electronic bill payment so that they can pay at their convenience. They have leveraged eLation’s Marketing Upsell feature to alert CSRs when a customer calls in to remind them of their paperless options. Having full visibility into the customer account helps ensure the experience is customized for that subscriber. Chariton Valley has worked to improve internal processes so that their customers can reap the benefits. Previously, techs handwrote multiple parts of the service order on different pieces of paper and sometimes called into the office to receive verification from CSRs.

Kelsey Best, OSS Supervisor, explains the current process with eLation’s service application, “puts it all on the screen so you don’t forget anything. It adds it all in the order for you. You don’t have to write things down on sticky notes and enter it later.” Chariton Valley discovered immediate improvements in efficiency by reducing three separate orders to one with eLation. Efficiencies in the office have yielded quicker customer resolutions and McNeil has seen an increase in first call resolution since implementing eLation.

Streamlined Reporting

Chariton Valley now utilizes automated reports through eLation. Leadership at Chariton Valley appreciates data transparency and having reports that are always accessible. You can see the reports up on various monitors throughout the Chariton Valley office.

McNeil explains the value in reporting that is readily available, “Automation makes it accessible to all, you don’t have to ask when you want a report.” Chariton Valley pulls over 100 automated reports with eLation and utilizes Power BI to help visualize the data. McNeil stresses the importance of reports that are “accessible to everyone, at all times.” Revealing customer satisfaction data to employees, helps ensure the customer stays top of mind.

“Ultimately, we can do more with the same amount of people. [eLation] has allowed us to grow without unnecessarily adding staff.”

Tina Jordan, Chief Financial Officer- Chariton Valley


Tina Jordan, CFO, explains the importance of having an enterprise system as your business expands. “Ultimately, we can do more with the same amount of people. It has allowed us to grow without unnecessarily adding staff. If we were under a system where you would need someone to put in three orders, would need to double staff.”

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