Reporting, Verification, Tracking
Do you know where your bills are?

Relax, with IS Job Reporting, you get up to the minute, live status reporting of your bills through every one of IS Print’s processes. No more guessing if your files have been received. No more wondering how many customers have been processed or how many inserts will be used or if your bills have been mailed! You can even view the details of each statement being stuffed into the envelope! This reporting is available to you 24/7 through your secure web portal.
The visibility continues into the mailstream with our mail tracking features. With a few simple clicks, you can see interactive graphs and charts showing you the movement and delivery of your mail.
Don’t have time to look at the status through your portal? No problem, you can get updates sent directly to your email!
Pre-Print Verification
Another of our cutting edge innovations, is a safety net that ensures your files are being processed and printed accurately. The pre-printing verification goes to work for your by reporting what our printers are going to print before a page is ever produced! It records critical information like total customers, pages, and total stuffers by type and reports it back to both our staff and the client through IS Print Job Reporting. Every file that will be printed has these verifications performed on them for reporting and tracking purposes. This allows for a reduction in errors and in wasted paper. The average print vendor can’t match the results! These safety nets have prevented countless errors in duplicate files, incorrect stuffers, and bad files from being printed. With your typical print vendor, these errors would not have been caught which would have cost you time, money, and potentially ruin your professional image.
No More Worries
IS Printing customers continually comment on the amazing color quality, turn-around times, innovative ideas, and ease of working with us. We know you’re busy. You have better things to do than worry if your marketing strategies are going to be correctly implemented this month or if your bills have been mailed on time.
Let Innovative’s printing experience pull everything together for you so you can have the peace of mind you deserve with no more worries.

Contact Us
Willmar, MN 56201
Call (320) 262-3934